Is It Okay to Give Antler Chews To My Dog?

Is It Okay to Give Antler Chews To My Dog?

YES - Antler chews are great for your dog as long as you get the right one.

During our search for treats, we struggled to find a consistent quality of antler that was true to the label size and grade.

Our family started this business because we wanted to offer other Pet parents a product that they could give to their dogs with confidence. The GRADE of the antler plays a large part in the safety of the chew for your dog.

At Buck Bone, we only use Grade A. Grade A is the freshest shed with no cracks, smooth, and contains the highest moisture content.

You must make sure you get the right chew for your dog based on:

  • Size
  • Age
  • Jaw Strength

To determine the size of the chew lets take into consideration the dogs Weight in pounds –

  • 5-20 – Small Dog with options of Small Whole or Small Split
  • 20-40 – Medium Dog with options of Medium Whole or Medium Split
  • 40-60 – Large Dog with options of Large Whole or Large Split, Jumbo Whole or Jumbo Split
  • 60+ – Jumbo Extra Large Dog with options of Jumbo Whole or Jumbo Split
Buck Bone Organics Grade A Antler Dog Chews

Now, what type of chewer is your dog -

  • Whole Bones are an excellent choice for more aggressive chewers or dogs with stronger jaws.
  • Split Bones have exposed marrow to offer a softer chew. Suitable for young or older dogs.

When trying antler for the first time, start with a split bone because of the exposed marrow, which is a softer chew. Then if your dog is looking for a hard chew graduate to a whole bone.

If you have any questions and would like to ask what is best for your specific dog, please feel free to call or email me directly.

Jackie Steigleman
Phone: 1-678-936-9833
Email: Jackie@buckboneorganics.com