
Our purpose driven life!

Our purpose driven life!

My family and I started this company into 2015 because we’re dog lovers. Our dogs are not only part of our home-life, they’re a big part of our work life.

What we’re doing is about keeping dogs healthy and keeping dogs happy. Deer, Elk and Moose shed and regrow their antlers as part of a regular hormonal process every year. The fact that this process is natural is really important to us mainly because we wanted to create a dog chew that wouldn’t negatively impact our environment and at the same time provide an abundance of natural benefits for dogs.

We collect only the best quality antler sheds. We select Grade A antler because it’s the freshest. It has spent the least amount of time out in the elements. Anything less than grade A might splinter and crack. Believe me, in choosing antler products, dogs can tell the difference.

Every day were working together — my husband, my son, our crew — to produce the absolute best products for our dogs and yours.

We’re committed to the environment that it comes from. We’re committed to preserving and protecting it, and making a healthy quality dog chew. That’s why we started our company, that’s why we’re here. And we believe no one else can do it better.

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Move to Montana

Move to Montana

In May of this year, we took a big leap and moved our manufacturing facility all the way across this beautiful country from Connecticut to Bozeman, Montana. All the antler we work with originates in the Bozeman area, so being close to the animals was an important factor that went into to our decision to head west. 

It has been a little over a month since we landed in this new land of very large snow capped mountains, views you can see for 100's of miles I swear, and a sky that sends chills down my arms when I look up because it is so vast. As they say out here, we are in BIG SKY country and I understand that all too well now especially after experiencing our first full moon!

Everyone at Buck Bones is thrilled to be here and looking forward to what lies ahead for our company. 




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Christmas Bones!

Christmas Bones!
George just loves helping us wrap bones for dogs of all ages. He secretly thinks he is a reindeer and will be helping Santa do his fly by’s Christmas Eve. We can’t get him to take his antler hat off!!  The force is strong with this one! Merry Christmas Ya’ll! Continue reading

The Story of Camo

The Story of Camo

This past Saturday, we adopted a puppy by the name of Camo. We went in to the process knowing that Camo was the one we wanted to take home with us, but when we arrived at the adoption center, things did not look so good.

We had been searching for a new puppy ever since our Golden Retriever Gabby passed away. Our other pup George had been lonely for almost 3 months and we decided that it was time to get him a new brother/sister. The search began in local puppy stores in our area, yet we didn't seem to find a puppy that fit our family. A few days later we were searching a site called "Adopt-a-puppy" and came across a little guy by the name of Tucker. He was a Lab/Catahoula Leopard Dog mix. His face was hard to miss when scrolling down the page. With that being said, we clicked on his page and found out that he was going to be at an adoption event 40 minutes away, the following weekend. 

We quickly filled out the adoption application and got an email with an invitation to attend to event. There were strict instructions, one being to arrive early because only one family was allowed inside at a time. They told us that the employee with the sign in sheet would arrive around 8, and the adoption would start at 9:30. With that being said we all woke up at 5:30 and left the house around 6 in order to be first in line. When we pulled into the parking lot at 16 there was already a line out the door and around the corner of people waiting to get inside to see the puppies. At this point, we were all very sure that some other family would beat us to Tucker. Our hopes were very low.

By the time 9:30 came around, we were 17th in line to see the puppies. At 9:45, the owner came outside and announced that the Catahoula puppies were late and would be arriving soon. Ten families had already been in an out the door with their new puppy, so this was good news for us. When our name was called to go in, there was only two families in front of us and all of the Catahoula pups were still available. As we got around the corner, we saw four adorable puppies but right away spotted Tucker in the corner, asleep. His three other brothers and sisters were playful and rambunctious, ready to be adopted. The first family picked up his brother and left with him, leaving us a bit nervous, hoping that Tucker was not going to be scooped up by the next family in front of us. And of course, the family went right into their pen and started to play with the three remaining puppies. Still, Tucker was asleep in the corner. We loved the fact that he was asleep mainly because he was less appealing to the family trying to pick the puppy they wanted to take home. They did try to interact with Tucker, but he would not budge. Soon they scooped up his brother and left the pen. We were all extremely relieved and rushed into the pen to grab Tucker. No questions were asked, we knew this was the dog that we wanted. We don't think it was a coincidence that he was sleeping quietly in the corner, he was waiting for us and didn't want anyone else to take him :)

Tucker came home and soon became Camo, because of his beautiful coat and his ability to camouflage into the rug. Camo and Georgie took a few hours to get adjusted to each other, but now after 3 days they are best buds. We are extremely fortunate to have adopted Camo and love him so much already. 

Welcome to the Buck Bone Organics Family Camo! May you be blessed with all of the antler chews of your dreams little guy. So beyond happy for you to be the newest member of our family. 




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First Post

My name is George, the Corgi." 

"I have a very sensitive stomach and if I eat anything with preservatives or fillers or that is just plain not good for me, my tummy turns inside out and upside down, yuck! Has that ever happened to your pups? I have never been much of a chewer despite all the rawhide and bully bones my family has offered me and if given the choice I like my treats to be something I can gobble down real fast. That is until I tried Elk Antler Chews. I can chew for hours and not get a tummy ache plus there is no sticky goo on my paws or my bed that is usually left over from other bones I have tried. There is something magical about these antlers, I feel like I conquered the great outdoors and found an endless supply of treasure, the kind that only a dog would understand! "


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