Why Antler and How to Choose What is Best for Your Dog

Just like you, your dog needs to have healthy treats that they love and are beneficial for over-all good health.
In 2015 our family went on a journey to find a treat that our dog George, with a sensitive stomach, could enjoy. After months of trying different products, we finally found one that was George tested and approved; Wild Elk & Deer antlers. We discovered the many benefits of antler and couldn’t wait to share it with the world.
At Buck Bone Organics we work to create healthy and all-natural treats for dogs, sourced from the freshest and finest antler sheds in Montana.
All Antler is NOT the same -
There are 3 grades of Antler and we use Grade A because it is the safest for your dog –
Grade A:
- Freshest Shed
- No Cracks
- Smooth
- Highest Moistue Content
- Cream to Brown Color
Comparing which Antler is RIGHT for your dog -
Look at -
- Average Weight
- Average Length
- Safe for Canine
- Grade (A, B, C)
- Where Antler is Sourced
- Are they the Freshest Shed
- Is the Product Guaranteed
Buck Bone Organics offers a variety of antler dog chews, antler dog biscuits, and ground Antler powder suitable, for dogs of all sizes and stages of life.
Antler Biscuits – Original recipe made with organic ingredients. Contains the nutrients your dog needs -
- Water
- Protein
- Fat
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Carbohydrates
Ground Antler Powder
An all-natural source of minerals that works great as a supplemental food topper to compliment any meal and complete a raw food diet. It promotes -
- Joint Health
- Healthy Gut Function
- Healthy Skin & Coat
Antler Chews
Four sizes depending on your dogs weight –
- Small – Dogs 5-20 lbs
- Medium – Dogs 20-40 lbs
- Large – Dogs 40-60 lbs
- Jumbo – Dogs 60+ lbs
Two different cuts –
- Whole – Longer lasting, harder chew
- Split – Exposed marrow, softer chew
Two frequently Asked Questions –
Are antler chews safe for my dog?
YES – We only use Grade A so they will not breakdown fast and hurt your dog.
Is our product Cruelty-Free?
YES – Every spring, bull Elk and Deer naturally lose their antlers during a hormonal change, before the regrowth of a new set. The dropped antlers become known as “sheds”.
Sheds have an interesting role in the ecosystem. They are a vital source of essential nutrients including, protein, calcium, and phosphorus, for mammals in the wild.
Products with Antler are a smart choice, that dogs love.
Try some of our products Today at www.buckboneorganics.com or feel free to call: 406-624-0405.